

以前,人们习惯于将东西买下后使用。今天,“租生活”开始流行:租车、租船、租民宅、租音乐、租电影……“租”的生活方式不仅为资金有限的普通人增加了生活的体验,也为社会节约资源与创造工作机会提供了更多的可能。改变众多人士旅行住宿选择的著名网站“空中食宿”(Airbnb)的首席执行官Brian Chesky说:“The future is about access but not ownership.”(未来是使用而不占有)。相信分享型经济会给我们带来更多的惊喜!

The Sharing Economy

For most of the past century, Americans have been the world’s greatest consumers. And usually consumption has meant ownership: just before the Great Recession, the average American household owned 2.28 cars, and had more television sets than people. But these days a host of new companies are trying todisrupt1)the paradigm—offering the benefits of consuming without the costs of ownership. Ride-sharing companies such as Lyft, Sidecar, and, in some cities,UberX2), own no cars themselves. Instead, they sign up ordinary car owners: when you need a ride, you can use their apps to find a driver near you and ask to be picked up. Many other companies are trying tocash in on3)what’s often called “the sharing economy.”Airbnb4)now features more than three hundred thousand listings from people making their apartments and homes available for short-term rentals. RelayRides and Getaround let you rent cars from their owners. Boatbound offers boat rentals, Desktime office space, ParkatmyHouse parking spaces. SnapGoods makes it possible for people to borrow consumer goods from other people in their neighborhood or social network. It may not be too long before you’re able to pay to sit in a stranger’s living room and “share” his home theatre.


Just a couple of weeks ago, Uber disclosed that it had raised more than a quarter of a billion dollars in venture-capital funding, most of it from Google. The flood of new money into all these new businesses feels like a mini-bubble in the making. But beneath all thehype5)is a sensible idea: there are a lot ofslack6)resources in the economy. Assets sit idle—the average car is driven just an hour a day—and workers have time and skills that go unused. If you can connect the people who have the assets to people who are willing to pay to rent them, you reduce waste and end up with a more efficient system.



In the past, this was hard topull off7), because the transaction costs involved in borrowing and lending were high: there was no easy way to find someone who had what you were looking for and no easy way to know if someone was trustworthy. So if you borrowed a lawnmower it was typically from your neighbor. But digital technology has made it much easier for buyers and sellers to find each other quickly, and to evaluate the people they’re trading with. The effect has been to make sharing a much more plausible business model. “We now have hundreds of millions of consumers who are carrying in their pockets powerful computers that are always connected to high-speed networks,” Arun Sundararajan, a professor at N.Y.U.’s Stern School of Business and an expert on the sharing economy said. “That makes it possible for people to rethink the way they consume.”


Sharing has also had a boost from the weak economy. People areleery8)of making bigup-front9)purchases, and many have had toscramble for10)ways to monetize their time and their assets. More important, there are signs that the ties between consumption and ownership are loosening, particularly among younger people. Studies suggest that Millennials are less interested in owning cars than previous generations have been, and the success of sites such asNetflix11)andSpotify12)show that, at least with some goods, renting can trump ownership. For one thing, people get access to a much wider range of products than they could ever own. “There’s a mind-set that consumers are doing this just to save money,” Sundararajan said. “But I think that what’s really compelling about the sharing economy is the variety and expansion of choices that it offers. Instead of being tied to owning one car, I can drive twenty different ones. So I expect this will expand consumption, rather than shrink it.”


Before that happens, though, there are serious hurdles that the sharing economy has to get over. The most obvious of these is regulation. Cities typically have elaborate rules for cabs andlimos13)that control drivers, vehicles, fares, and so on. These rules in part reflect the desire ofvested14)interests (like cab companies) to protect their businesses and in part consumer concerns about safety and liability. Sharing companiescircumvent15)some of those rules, arguing that if you choose to pay someone to give you a ride to the airport—or rent you an apartment—the state shouldn’t stop you. That’s an appealing position, but the companies are actuallypiggybacking16)on the trust that consumers feel in what is typically a highly regulated economy. If these companies become more established, they’ll have to reach some kind of accommodation with regulators, perhapsalong the lines of17)rules that California’s Public Utilities Commission recently proposed, which would let Sidecar, Lyft, and Uber operate if they implement certain safety and driver regulations.


It isn’t just companies and regulators who will have to be flexible, though. Workers will, too, since the sharing economy requires people to function as micro-entrepreneurs. Uber is just a broker, and the drivers aren’t anyone’s employees, any more than the landlords in Airbnb’s system are. They are all independent contractors, working for themselves and giving the companies acut18)of the action. This has certain attractions: no boss, the ability to set your own hours, control over working conditions. It also means no benefits, no steady paycheck, and the need to always be hustling; in that sense, it fitsall too19)well with the free-agent nation we’re increasingly becoming. Sharing, it turns out, is often a hell of a lot of work.



1.disrupt [dɪsˈrʌpt] vt. 使中断;扰乱


3.cash in on:靠……赚钱,利用


5.hype [haɪp] n. 天花乱坠的广告宣传;炒作

6.slack [slæk] adj. 闲散的

7.pull off:努力实现

8.leery [ˈlɪəri] adj. 警惕的;怀有戒心的,戒备的


10.scramble for:争夺



13.limo [ˈlɪməʊ] n. 豪华高级轿车

14.vested [vestid] adj. 既定的;既得的;绝对的

15.circumvent [ˌsɜːkəmˈvent] vt. 规避,逃避

16.piggyback [ˈpɪɡibæk] vi. 利用;借助

17.along the lines of:这一类的,类似的

18.cut [kʌt] n. (尤指金钱的)份额

19.all too:极,甚

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