

Who wins

when multinational companies move in

Shawnea Rosserearned upwards of $29 an hour when she worked for General Motors in Dayton, Ohio. But in 2008 the factory closed. Years later the building was bought by Fuyao Group, a multinational company that makes glass. The new American managers promised that the "historic" project would "give people jobs, and give a future to your kids and my kids". Sounds great. But Ms Rosser's new job paid just $12.84.


Theplightof Ms Rosser and her coworkers is captured in "American Factory", a documentary released on August 21st by Netflix that explores the tensions that arise from the factory's foreign ownership. There is discontent among American workers, but the source is unclear. Could it simply reflect the post-crisis reality of American manufacturing work?


A new study offers part of an answer, by asking who benefits when foreign investors open up shop. On average, foreign companies in fact pay workers around 25% more than American ones. But that could be because they employ relatively skilled workers. Bradley Setzler and Felix Tintelnot of the University of Chicago matchanonymisedemployee and company tax records to estimate the true wagepremium.


The Economists look to see what happens when American workers move between companies. They find that when someonehopsbetween two American-owned firms, their wages barelybudge. But when they skip from a domestically owned one to a foreign one, their wages go up by around 7%. And when they jump from a foreign-owned firm to a domestic one, their wagessag.


Messrs Setzler and Tintelnot also find that theboostto wages from working at a foreign-owned firm isskewed in favour ofthe highly skilled. Theyderivea measure of skills by adjusting pay for age, firm, industry and location. Based on that measure, people in the bottom 10% of the skills distribution saw no pay premium at all for working at a foreign-owned company.


The researchers also ask whether a firm's country of origin might matter for the wage premium on offer. Unsurprisingly, richer home countries tend to mean fatter Americanpay packets. Companies from Norway and New Zealand pay best; those from Mexico and Taiwan give barely any premium. Only one country seems to offer a paypenalty(see chart). On average, they calculate that between 2010 and 2015, CC-owned firms paid around 4% less than American ones for similar jobs. That is not a huge gap—certainly compared with the drop in Ms Rosser's hourly pay between gm and Fuyao Group. But when you are not paid a lot, it is big enough to hurt.



light /plaɪt/

1. N-COUNT If you refer to someone's plight, you mean that they are in a difficult or distressing situation that is full of problems.困境

例:The nation saw the plight of the farmers, whose crops had died.该国看到了农民因庄稼死亡而陷入困境。

2. V to give or pledge (one's word)保证; 宣誓

例:he plighted his word to attempt it


1. V to carry out or organize in such a way as to preserve anonymity匿名

例:anonymized AIDS screening

premium /ˈpriːmɪəm/

1. N-COUNT A premium is a sum of money that you pay regularly to an insurance company for an insurance policy. 保险费

例:It is too early to say whether insurance premiums will be affected.保险费会不会受到影响现在判定还为时过早。

2. N-COUNT A premium is a sum of money that you have to pay for something in addition to the normal cost.附加费

例:Even if customers want "solutions," most are not willing to pay a premium for them.即使顾客们想要"解决方案",大部分人不愿意为此支付附加费。

hop /hɒp/

1. V-I If you hop, you move along by jumping on one foot.(人) 单脚跳行

例:I hopped down three steps.我单脚跳下3级台阶。

2. N-COUNT Hop is also a noun.(人) 单脚跳行

例:"This really is a catching rhythm, huh?" he added, with a few little hops."这节奏可真有感染力,是吧?"他补充说道,单脚小步跳了几下。

budge /bʌdʒ/

1. V-T/V-I If someone will not budge on a matter, or if nothing budges them, they refuse to change their mind or to come to an agreement.使让步; 做让步

例:The Americans will not budge on this point.这些美国人在这一点上不会让步的。

2. V-T/V-I If someone or something will not budge, they will not move. If you cannot budge them, you cannot make them move.使移动; 移动

例:Her mother refused to budge from Omaha.她母亲拒绝离开奥马哈。

sag /sæɡ/

1. V-I When something sags, it hangs down loosely or sinks downward in the middle.(中间部分) 下垂; 下陷

例:The shirt's cuffs won't sag and lose their shape after washing.这件衬衫的袖口洗后不会松垂变形。

boost /buːst/

1. V-T If one thing boosts another, it causes it to increase, improve, or be more successful.促进

例:Lower interest rates can boost the economy by reducing borrowing costs for consumers and businesses.低利率可以通过为消费者和商家降低借贷成本来促进经济发展。

2. N-COUNT Boost is also a noun. 推动力

例:It would get the economy going and give us the boost that we need.这会推动经济发展并带给我们所需要的推动力。

3. V-T If something boosts your confidence or morale, it improves it.增强 (信心、士气)

例:We need a big win to boost our confidence.我们需要一个大的胜利来增强我们的自信心。

kew /skjuː/

1. V-T If something is skewed, it is changed or affected to some extent by a new or unusual factor, and so is not correct or normal.曲解; 歪曲

例:The arithmetic of nuclear running costs has been skewed by the fall in the cost of other fuels.对核运行费用的计算因其他燃料费用的下降而出现了偏差。

in favour of


derive /dɪˈraɪv/

1. V-T If you derive something such as pleasure or benefit from a person or from something, you get it from them.获得

例:Mr. Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.英先生是那种助人为乐的快活人。

2. V-T/V-I If you say that something such as a word or feeling derives or is derived from something else, you mean that it comes from that thing.衍生

例:The name Anastasia is derived from a Greek word meaning "of the resurrection."阿纳斯塔西娅这个名字是从一个意为"复活"的希腊词语衍生而来的。

pay packet

1. N-COUNT Your pay packet is the envelope containing your wages that your employer gives you at the end of every week.工薪袋

2. N-COUNT You can refer to someone's wages or salary as their pay packet. 工薪

penalty /ˈpɛnəltɪ/

1. N-COUNT A penalty is a punishment that someone is given for doing something which is against a law or rule.刑罚

例:One of those arrested could face the death penalty.那些被捕之人其中的一个可能会面临死刑。

2. N-COUNT In sports such as football, American football, and hockey, a penalty is a disadvantage forced on the team that breaks a rule.(体育比赛中的) 罚球

例:Referee Michael Reed had no hesitation in awarding a penalty.裁判迈克尔·里德毫不犹豫地判了罚球。

3. N-COUNT Thepenalty that you pay for something you have done is something unpleasant that you experience as a result.惩罚

例:Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else's mistake?我为什么要为别人的错误而接受惩罚呢?

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