




81. Since the days of the Vikings, when they farmed while men marauded, Norwegian women have played a big role in their community’s economy. So it was fitting that, ten years ago, Norway pioneered a policy to deal with a stubborn gender gap: the dearth of women directors on company boards.


【注】如何应对性别歧视。有用表达:It is fitting that … …很合适;pioneer a policy 率先倡导一个政策;a stubborn gender gap 顽固不化的性别歧视,stubborn一词的用法很地道。

82. Fathers should be encouraged to take parental leave, so that child-bearing does not harm a mother’s chance of making it to the top. Variable working hours should become the norm. High-quality child care, and more accommodating school calendars, would help.



83. Time may yet prove that boardroom quotas are good for the business as a whole. So far, they have been a sideshow. The more important task is to make it easier for more women lower down the company to keep good jobs and fight their way to the top on their own merits.


【注】应对性别歧视的策略。有用表达:fight their way to the top on their own merits靠自身能力晋升到公司高层。

84. Handing complicated tasks to computers is not new. But a recent spurt of progress in machine learning, a subfield of artificial intelligence, has enabled computers to tackle many problems which were previously beyond them.


【注】人工智能的进步。有用表达:complicated tasks复杂的工作;tackle problems 处理问题。

85. In response to the flaws in humans, society has evolved a series of workable coping mechanism, called laws, rules and regulations. With a little tinkering, many of these can be applied to machines as well.


【注】如何应对人工智能。有用表达:evolve a series of workable coping mechanism 进化出来一系列可行的应对机制;be applied to 被应用于…。

86. AI is bound to suffer some trouble — how could it not? But it also promises extraordinary benefits and the difficulties it poses are not unprecedented. People should look to the data, as machines do. Regulators should start with a light touch and demand rapid fixes when things go wrong.


【注】如何应对人工智能。有用表达:be bound to 注定;a light touch 灵巧的处事能力;demand rapid fixes 要求快速处理。

87. Licenses make it harder to enter a profession. Not everyone can afford to pay a registration fee or take time to study for an exam before being allowed to pull pints or paint nails. The beneficiaries from such barriers to entry are incumbent workers, whose wages rise when competition chilled.


【注】在美国,职业资格证让很多从业者止步。注意该句结尾的两个巧妙的搭配:wage — rise,competition — chill。

88. When licensing is inevitable, regulators should aim to promote competition as well as protect consumers. Licensing run amok not only poisons markets, it also poison sentiment towards markets that misfire.



89. It is everywhere, as visible as it is vilified. From car parts to crisp packets, plastic has suffuse the Earth, and beyond — in 1969 Neil Armstrong planted a nylon Stars and Stripes in the moon.

【译】塑料到处都是,随处可见,正如它常被恶意攻击的那样。从汽车零件到薯片包装,塑料布满整个地球,甚至不止如此 — 1969年,尼尔*阿姆斯特朗将一面尼龙的星条旗插在来月球上。


90. More than 8 bn tonnes has been produced since the 1950s, enough to wrap the continents in clingfilm four times over. Only 9% was recycled; 60% was dumped , mostly in landfills, too often in the natural world. Untold tonnes end up as irretrievable ocean flotsam, which sunlight and salt fragment ocean microscopic pieces that attract toxins and many be gulped by creatures that become seafood.


【注】巨量垃圾何去何从。有用表达:recylce v. 循环利用;dump v. 倾倒,丢弃;irretrievable ocean flotsam 不可回收的海洋废料;fragment ocean microscopic pieces 将海洋微小的碎片分化。


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