



目前,关于运营的描述,没有统一的答案, 各自都有各自的理解。我们来看看一些认可度比较高的定义都是如何描述的:




这里我也给出对运营的另一个视角 ,从企业的视角来看:运营是围绕产品,以一种特定目标为导向,凭借最少的成本、最合适的手段、最高效的执行,对资源进行最优化的整合发力,从而不断加强目标人群与产品的联系,并从内容建设、用户维护、活动策划三个层面,不断地通过各种计划、组织、实施和控制路径,完成业务目标,或者将业务目标最大化的一个过程。










任何一一个企业,资源都是有限的,投入在运营的资源也是有限的。而所有的运营活动都是有成本的。有人说,我就是群发了一条Push消息,用的还是某个第三方的免费推送通道,这有啥成本。注意:我们说的成本,不仅仅包含了企业为运营活动所付出的人员投入,所承担的物质投入以及所支付的金钱投入,还包含了我们触达到我们用户所消耗的机会成本。我们的用户耐心是有限的,在接收到我们推送的App push消息时,如果推送的内容是用户需要的,是他们真正感兴趣的,那么用户可能还会继续接收我们的推送消息甚至完成转化,但是如果推送的内容对于客户来说,是无聊的,甚至是骚扰消息,那么客户不仅不会进行点击,甚至会关闭我们的推送,再也不接收我们的消息了。

(1) What is operation?

Before introducing how to carry out refined operations, let us first discuss a question: what is operation.

At present, there is no unified answer to the description of operations, and each has its own understanding. Let's take a look at how some of the more recognized definitions are described:

In a broad sense, everything that involves manual intervention around "products" is called operations.

Operation is to gain insight into the different stages of the product and user needs, and to find effective target users through the integration of resources to achieve the staged business goals, thereby achieving the ultimate commercial value.

Operation is a bridge that connects products and users, and can quickly show users the value of products.

Here I also give another perspective on operation, from the perspective of the enterprise: operation is centered on the product, guided by a specific goal, with the least cost, the most suitable means, and the most efficient execution to carry out resources. Optimized integration efforts to continuously strengthen the connection between the target population and the product, and continuously achieve business goals through various planning, organization, implementation and control paths from the three levels of content construction, user maintenance, and event planning, or A process of maximizing business goals.

(2) Why implement refined operations

As the times change, the Internet has passed the first half, entered the second half, and even overtime. The era of traffic dividends is gone forever. For enterprises, if they want to maintain their growth, there are two methods: "open source" and "throttle". But for most companies, "open source" is a very costly thing. At present, the cost of new innovation in various industries is different, but there is one thing in common: they are basically beyond the affordability of most companies in the industry.

And for many companies, the biggest pain point is not only the rapid increase in the cost of bringing in new products, but also the more heartbreaking is that the users who are finally attracted can’t keep them. Many users may just do a "one-shot deal" and never again. Active. Therefore, for most companies at this stage, it is still necessary to rely on the operation of stocks for future growth.

For companies, the reasons for refined operations are as follows:

First, the difference in customer value.

In this society, everyone is born equal, but for any company, different customers, including potential customers, have different values for it. In the case of limited resources, an enterprise must differentiate its business strategies for its customers.

Second, individual customer differences.

There are no two leaves that are exactly the same in the world, and there must be individual differences between different customers. This difference will lead to different user behaviors, user concerns, and user conversion preferences. Then, the business strategy of companies dealing with these customers is also different from person to person.

Third, resources are limited.

Any company has limited resources, and the resources invested in operations are also limited. And all operating activities have costs. Some people say that I just sent a Push message in a group, and I used a third-party free push channel. What is the cost? Note: The cost we are talking about not only includes the personnel input, the material input and the money input paid by the company for operating activities, but also the opportunity cost we consume to reach our users. Our users have limited patience. When receiving our App push messages, if the pushed content is what the user needs and is really interested in them, then the user may continue to receive our push messages and even complete the conversion. But if the pushed content is boring to customers, or even harassing news, then customers will not only not click, they will even close our push and never receive our news again.

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