

内容简介:这门课程针对那些之前没有编程经验,或编程经验很少的同学。所以这门课程并不假设你有任何编程基础。 这门课程的目的不仅仅是教会你如何进行计算机编程,也会告诉你如何使用计算机去解决实际问题。


Welcome,everyone.This is Computer Science 102x.Introduction to Computing with Java.大家好。这是计算机科学102X号课程----java编程导论。I am the instructor for the course.My name is T.C. pong,我是这门课程的老师。我叫T.C.Pong,and I am a professor from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at HKUST.我是中国香港科技大学计算机科学与工程系的教授。This is one of the three courses on introduction to computer programming offered by HKUST.这是由中国香港科技大学提供的三门编程导论课程中的一门。This course will use Java as the programming language while the other two course will use Python or visual Basic.这门课程将使用java作为编程语言,其余两门分别使用Python和visual basic。This course is aimed at students with no or very little programming experience.这门课程旨在针对那些之前并没有编程经验或经验很少的同学。So prior programming experience is not a prerequisite for this course.所以这门课程并不需要你事先拥有任何编程基础。The focus of this course is not just to teach you how ro program a computer,这门课程的目的不仅仅是教会你如何进行计算机编程,but also how to use computer to solve problems.也会告诉你如何使用计算机去解决实际问题。In this offering,the course is divided into 2 parts.这门课程被划分成了两个部分。Part 1 of the course,that is the one that you’re taking now,第一部分就是我们现在正在进行的内容,Covers some programming fundamentals会教授一些基础的编程知识Including primitive data types,variable,operators and expressions,包括了原始数据类型,变量,操作符和表达式,Basic concept of object oriented programming,control flow structures including branching and loops,面向对象程序设计的基本概念,控制流结构(包括了选择分支结构和循环结构),And a simple type of data structure called array.和一种简单的数据结构(称之为数组)。 The second part of the course will cover more advanced topic,这门课程的第二部分将会教授更高级的主题,Including character string manipulation,file I/O,event-driven programming,recursion and abstract data types.包括了字符串控制,文件I/O,事件驱动的程序设计,递归和抽象数据类型。We all know that the main use of a computer is to help us solving problems.我们都知道计算机最主要的功能就是帮助我们解决问题。We use computers to solve problems because it is usually more efficient.,我们之所以使用计算机去解决问题是因为它通常更加高效。And reliable in dealing with certain tasks.并且在处理一些任务中是十分可靠的。However,this is not always true,at least not yet.但是,它并不是万能的,至少现在不是。For example,if one try to use a computer to understand the scenery around us,例如,如果一个人使用计算机去了解我们周围的景物,In the current state-of-the-arts,即使是使用当前最先进的技术,Computer’s performance would still be far from being able to match that of human.计算机的表现与人类相比仍然相去甚远。Let’s first take a look at the learning objectives for this course,首先让我们看一看我们这门课程的学习目标,At the end of this course,if you as a student and me as an instructor,have done our jobs right,到了结课的时候,如果你作为学生我作为老师,我们都做好了自己该做的事情,We should be able to take a real-life problem and extract the relevant information necessary to solve the problem.应该有能力做到:选一个实际生活中的问题,提取出必要的相关信息,然后解决这个问题。And to think logically to formulate solutions to well defined problems using a programming language.以有逻辑的进行思考、构建解决问题的方法并使用一种编程语言去准确的定义。Before we move on to other learning objectives,let’s take a more careful look at what we mean by well-defined problems.在我们了解其他学习目标前,先让我们更深入的讨论一下什么是被准确定义的问题。In general,a well-defined problem means there is a solution exists for the problem,总的来说,一个被准确定义的问题意味着存在一个解决问题的方法。And the solution can be found in a finite number of steps.而且这个方法是可以在有限步骤中被完成的。For example,if you were asked to find the solution to the arithmetic expression’1×2+3’,例如,如果你被要求去寻找计算表达式“1×2+3”的方法,You would know that we should first multiply 1 by 2 which gives the intermediate result of 2你肯定知道:我们首先需要用1乘以2,得到的结果为2And then the result of the multiplication would be added to 3 and gives 5 as the final answer.然后用得到的2与3相加,得到最终的答案5。But if I ask you for the solution of’1+2×3’,但是如果我问你如何计算表达式‘1+2×3’呢?I want you to pause the video briefly to think about what would be the answer.我希望你能暂停视频思考一下答案。



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