
【干货】雅思口语|Part3话题:Artificial Intelligence人工智能

a hotly debated question  热点话题

"Will Artificial Intelligence ever replace humans?" is a hotly debated question these days.“人工智能会替代人类吗?”当下,这是一个热点话题。

gain super intelligence 获得超级智能

outperform humans on any task 在任何任务上都能超过人类

destroy humanity 摧毁人类

Some people claim computers will eventually gain super intelligence, be able to outperform humans on any task, and destroy humanity.


be another tool we can use and control 是我们可以使用和控制的另一种工具

Other people say "Don't worry, AI will just be another tool we can use and control, like our current computers."另一些人说:"别担心,人工智能只是我们可以使用和控制的另一种工具,就像我们现在的电脑一样。"


AI researcher  AI研究员

So we've got physicist and AI researcher Max Tegmark back again to share with us the collective takeaways from the recent Asilomar conference on the future of AI that he helped organize.于是,我们又请来了物理学家和AI研究员马克斯·泰格马克与我们分享他最近帮助组织的关于人工智能未来的Asilomar会议的总结。

separate AI myths from AI facts 区分AI荒诞的说法以及AI事实

And he's going to help separate AI myths from AI facts.他将帮忙区分AI荒诞的说法以及AI事实。

repetitive and mechanical/məˈkænɪkl/operations 重复的机械操作

First of all, Max, machines including computers have long been better than us at many tasks, like arithmetic, or weaving, but those are often repetitive and mechanical operations.首先,马克斯,包括电脑在内的机器在许多任务上一直比我们好,就像算术或编织一样,但这些通常是重复的机械操作。

console a friend 安慰朋友

So why shouldn't I believe that there are some things that are simply impossible for machines to do as well as people? Say making minutephysics videos, or consoling a friend? 那么,为什么我不应该相信有些事情是机器根本不可能做得和人一样好的呢?比如制作minutephysics视频,或者安慰朋友?

only exist in biological organisms 只能存在于生物有机体中

Well, we've traditionally thought of intelligence as something mysterious. That can only exist in biological organisms, especially humans. 我们传统意义上认为智力是一种神秘的东西。这只能存在于生物有机体中,尤其是人类。

law of physics 物理定律

But from the perspective of modern physical science, intelligence is simply a particular kind of information processing and reacting, performed by particular arrangements of elementary particles moving around.And there's no law of physics that says it's impossible to do that kind of information processing better than humans already do.但是,从现代物理的角度 科学,智能只是一种由特定的元素变动引起的,智能只是一种特殊的信息处理和反应机制,由基本粒子的特殊排列来完成。并没有物理定律说AI不可能比人类更好地处理这种信息。

It's not a stretch to say 毫不夸张地说

It's not a stretch to say that earthworms process information better than rocks, and humans better than earthworms.毫不夸张地说,蚯蚓处理信息比岩石好,人类比蚯蚓好。

see the tip of the intelligence iceberg 看到了智能的冰山一角

And in many areas, machines are already better than humans.This suggests we've likely only seen the tip of the intelligence iceberg.在很多领域,机器已经比人类好了。这表明我们可能只看到了智能的冰山一角。

help humanity flourish, or flounder 帮助人类繁荣,或者毁灭

And that we're on track to unlock the full intelligence that's latent in nature and use it to help humanity flourish, or flounder.我们正沿着这条路前进,去发掘潜藏在大自然中的全部智能,并利用它来帮助人类繁荣,或者毁灭。

keep ourselves on the right side of the "flourish or flounder balance" 让自己在"繁荣或者毁灭"的天平上保持平衡

So how do we keep ourselves on the right side of the "flourish or flounder balance".那么,我们怎样才能让自己在"繁荣或者毁灭"的天平上保持平衡呢?

super intelligent AI 超级智能的人工智能

What, if anything, should we really be concerned about with super intelligent AI?如果真的有的话,我们真的应该担心超级智能的人工智能吗?

turn evil 变坏

doesn't share our goals 与我们的目标完全不同

Here's what has many top AI researchers concerned: not machines or computers turning evil, but something more subtle: super intelligence that simply doesn't share our goals.这里是多顶级AI研究员所担心的:并不是机器或者电脑变会变坏,而是更加微妙的事:超级智能与我们的目标完全不同。

follow its programming 随着程序运行而已

If a heat-seeking missile is homing in on you, you probably wouldn't think:No need to worry, it's not evil, it's just following its programming."如果热追踪导弹瞄准了你,你不可能会这么想:“不用担心,它不是坏人的,它只是随着程序运行而已。”

what matters to you is 你在意的是

No, what matters to you is what the heat-seeking missile does and how well it does it.相反,你在意的是热追踪导弹做了什么和它做的有多好。


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