Computers think like humans?
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究竟什么是AI?它正在怎样影响我们的生活? 是否会如电影所演绎的那样最终消灭了人类独霸地球?我们一起来读文章。
Computers that can think?
Humans are the most intelligent species (聪明的物种) on Earth. From the invention (发明) of paper to space travel, we have made tools and created technology that have opened endless possibilities for us.
*humanadj.人的 n.人,人类
*intelligent adj.(正式)在理解新的、抽象东西或处理解决问题时,智力超过一般常人。
Susan's a very bright and intelligent woman who knows her own mind.
intelligence n. 智慧;智能
*inventionn. 发明
invent v. 发明 Edison invented the bulb.
*tooln.工具 English/Mobile phones/computers is/ are a useful tool
adj end+less 没有结束的--无尽的
homeless helpless meaningless useless
n 可能性 possible adj 有可能的
open (up) +adj. possibilities for... 为..创造...的可能
But even though we are intelligent, there are some who believe that we can make machines that can think like we do. Artificial intelligence (人工智能), or AI, is the ability of a machine to copy intelligent human behavior.
*ability n.能力 the ability to do ...
*human adj.人的 n.人,人类
*behavior n. 行为 personal behavior
AI is around us every day. From Apple’s voice-activated (语音启动的) assistant Siri to the software that shipping companies use to sort goods (货物), AI is very much a part of our lives.
*software n.软件
*sort vt.分类;挑选
But why do we want to make machines that can think the way we do? It is mainly because AI can make our lives much easier. Imagine being able to hop* in a car, tell it your destination (目的地), and sit back as the AI self-driving car takes you there. Imagine having an AI tutor that could help you with your homework. The future of AI looks quite bright.
*hop v. 单腿跳;快速移动;登上(飞机;车;船)
*tutor n. 家庭教师;助教
However, there are still some risks. What if we somehow created an AI that was smarter than us? What would it do? These are the difficult questions that philosophers (哲学家) and AI researchers ask themselves all the time.
*risk n.风险,危险 ;危险的人/物
at risk If we go to war, lots of lives will be put at risk.如果我们发动战争,
a fire/health risk 火灾/健康隐患
v.冒险 risk sth The young firefighter risked his life to save a little girl.
What if...? 如果..怎么办呢?
*somehow adv. 不知怎么的;以某种方式
*researcher n.研究人员 a market researcher
research n/v. 研究
He is doing research on eating habits in different areas.
Although AI has its risks, it is clear that AI is here to stay. Only time will tell if it will lead us into a new age of prosperity (繁荣) and peace, or be our final end.
*only time will tell... 只有时间会见证...
*final adj 结尾的,最终的
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