社区首页 >专栏 >人工智能在测试中有什么优势?


发布2020-05-21 16:04:34
发布2020-05-21 16:04:34


Testing is avital process that guarantees customer satisfaction within an application andhelps in safeguarding against potential failures that may prove to bedetrimental down the line. It is a planned process where the application isassessed and analyzed under certain conditions to understand the overallthreshold and risks involved in its implementation.


With softwaredevelopment life-cycles becoming more complicated by the day and delivery timespans reducing, testers need to impart feedback and evaluations instantly tothe development teams. Given the breakneck pace of new software and productlaunches, there is no other choice than to test smarter and not harder in thisday and age.


Releases thathappened once a month, now occur on a weekly basis and updates are factored inon almost every alternate day. Thus, it is quite evident that the key tostreamlining software testing and making it more smarter/efficient is ArtificialIntelligence.


By assimilatingmachines which can meticulously mimic human behavior, the team of testers canmove beyond the traditional route of manual testing models and progressivelymove forward towards an automated and precision-based continuous testingprocess.


An AI-poweredcontinuous testing platform can recognize changed controls more efficientlythan a human, and with constant updates to its algorithms, even the slightestchanges can be observed.


When it comes toautomation testing, Artificial Intelligence is being used widely in objectapplication categorization for all user interfaces. Here, recognized controlsare categorized when you create tools and testers can pre-train controls thatare commonly seen in out of the box setups. Once the hierarchy of controls isobserved, testers can create a technical map such that the AI is looking at theGraphical User Interface (GUI) to obtain labels for the different controls.


With testingbeing all about verification of results, one needs access to a plethora of testdata. Interestingly, Google DeepMind created an AI program that utilizes deepreinforcement learning to play video games by itself, thus, producing quite alot of test data.

由于测试都是为了验证结果,因此需要访问大量的测试数据。有趣的是,Google DeepMind创建了一个人工智能程序,它利用深度强化学习来自己玩视频游戏,从而产生了大量的测试数据。

Down the line,Artificial Intelligence will be able to observe users performing exploratorytesting within the testing site, using the human brain to assess and identify theapplications that are being tested. In turn, this will bring business usersinto testing and customers will be able to automate test cases fully.


When userbehavior is being assessed, a risk preference can be assigned, monitored andcategorized accordingly. This data is a classic case for automated testing toevaluate and weed out different anomalies. Heat maps will assist in identifyingbottlenecks in the process and help determine which tests you need to conduct.By automating redundant test cases and manual tests, testers can, in turn,focus more on making data-driven connections and decisions.


Ultimately,risk-based automation assists users in determining which tests they need to runto get the greatest coverage when limited time to test is a critical factor.With the amalgamation of AI in test creation, execution and data analysis,testers can permanently do away with the need to update test cases manuallycontinually and identify controls, spot links between defects and components ina far more effective manner.


To list downsome of the salient benefits of AI in testing –



To err is human.Even the most meticulous tester is bound to make mistakes while carrying outmonotonous manual testing. This is where automated testing helps by performingthe same steps accurately every time they are executed and never miss out onrecording detailed results. Testers freed from repetitive manual tests havemore time to create new automated software tests and deal with sophisticatedfeatures.



2.Goingbeyond the limitations of manual testing

It is nearlyimpossible for the most significant software/QA departments to execute acontrolled web application test with 1000+ users. With automated testing, onecan simulate tens, hundreds or thousands of virtual set of users that caninteract with a network, software or web-based applications.



3. Helps bothdevelopers and testers

Shared automatedtests can be used by developers to catch problems quickly before sending to QA.Tests can run automatically whenever source code changes are checked in andnotify the team or the developer if they fail. Features like these savedevelopers time and increase their confidence.



4. Increasein overall test coverage

With automatedtesting, one can increase the overall depth and scope of tests resulting inoverall improvement of software quality. Automated software testing can lookinto memory and file contents, internal program states and data tables in orderto determine if the software is behaving as it is expected to. All in all, testautomation can execute 1000+ different test cases in every test run providingcoverage that is not possible with manual tests.



5. Saved Time+ Money = Faster time to Market

With softwaretests being repeated every time source code is modified, manually repeatingthose tests can be not only time-consuming but extremely costly. In contrast,once created – automated tests can be executed again and again, with zeroadditional cost at a much faster pace. Software testing timespan can be reducedfrom days to mere hours which translates directly into cost savings.



Some of thepopular AI based test automation tools being used –


  • Testim.io

This tool makesuse of ML for the authoring, execution, and maintenance of automated tests. Itemphasizes on functional, end to end testing and user interface testing. Thetool becomes smarter with more runs and increases the stability of test suites.Testers can use JavaScript and HTML to write complex programming logic.


  • Appvance

Appvance makesuse of Artificial Intelligence to generate test cases based on user behavior.The portfolio of tests comprehensively covers what actual end-users do onproduction systems. Hence, this makes it 100% user centric.


  • Test.ai

Test.ai is amobile test automation that uses AI to perform regression testing. It is usefulwhen it comes to getting the performance metrics on your application and ismore of a monitoring tool than a functional testing tool.


  • Functionize

Functionize usedmachine learning for functional testing and is very similar to other tools inthe market regarding its capabilities such as being able to create testsquickly (without scripts), execute multiple tests in minutes and carry outin-depth analysis.


With everypassing day, as Artificial Intelligence finds its way into the softwaredevelopment lifecycle, organizations are still contemplating if they shouldadopt it wholly within their product engineering practices.


Post the initialinvestment to set up an AI system in test automation is carried out,organizations are bound to produce greater testing rewards for less money. Inturn, these savings can be redirected towards Quality Assurance efforts when itcomes to testing uncovered areas or exploratory testing or the more exciting& creative parts of software testing.


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原始发表:2020-04-30,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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