

AISC 2018 Call for Papers

第十三届国际人工智能与符号计算会议将于2018年9月16日-19日在苏州召开。王东明教授(北京航空航天大学)与Jacques Calmet教授(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)任大会主席。大会欢迎相关领域科研人员踊跃投稿,投稿细则见页面下方。

符号计算在人工智能领域的应用已获得巨大成功。已故数学泰斗吴文俊院士在几何学自动推理方面的标志性工作吴方法被誉为“几何定理机器证明领域的革命性工作”(completely revolutionized the field)(2006年邵逸夫奖颁奖词)。AISC序列国际会议早在1992年就首次在德国卡尔斯鲁厄举行(当时称为“人工智能与符号数学计算国际会议”),这说明人工智能与符号计算两个研究领域的交叉融合、相互促进由来已久。

在AISC序列会议上曾出现过多位重量级人物的身影。在北京举行的AISC 2006会议特邀报告人中就有1970年菲尔兹奖得主广中平佑、国际自动推理最高奖Herbrand奖1997年得主吴文俊和2000年得主William McCune等。中国学者在符号计算与人工智能领域的强势地位在AISC序列会议中也得到体现:早在1996年王东明就在AISC会议上作特邀报告(其他三位特邀报告人包括图灵奖得主Dana S. Scott);后来他又出任AISC 2006大会主席,并多次担任AISC程序委员会委员。



13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation

Suzhou, China, September 16-19, 2018



AISC is a forum for the exchange of ideas and the presentation of new tools and solutions at theintersection of Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation. It aims to foster contactsand collaborations among researchers from different fields related to AI and Symbolic Computation.

The conference is concerned with all aspects of research, including theory, implementations, andapplications.

AISC 2018 takes a broad view of AI that includes non-traditional areas such as machine/deep learningand their interactions with logic and symbolic reasoning. It will also have a special track onCollective Intelligence.

Conferences in this series are usually held every two years. The previous five took place in Sevilla(Spain), Paris (France), Birmingham (United Kingdom), Beijing (China), and Linz (Austria). AISC 2018will take place in Suzhou, China.


Specific topics for AISC 2018 include, but are not limited to:

* Cognitive modelling and symbolic AI

* Machine learning and computational intelligence

* Data modelling and analysis

* Knowledge representation and symbolic computing

* Knowledge acquisition, search, verification, and interoperation

* Automated reasoning and knowledge discovery

* Causal inferences, uncertainty reasoning, and decision support

* Cross-disciplinary knowledge management

* Mechanization of mathematics

* Mechanized program verification and debugging

* Combination of logics and computations

* Integration of logical reasoning and computer algebra

* Symbolic computations for expert systems and machine learning

* Computer vision and computer-aided geometric design

* Computer algebra systems and automated theorem provers

* Computer-based mathematics teaching and didactics

* Programming languages and systems for symbolic computation

* Emerging fields of computational AI

Topics for the special track on Collective Intelligence include, but are not limited to:

* Human computation and collective intelligence

* Game theory and crowdsourcing computation

* Crowdsourcing software engineering

* Crowdsourcing publishing, reviewing, and competition systems


Original research papers in English, including experimental work and work in progress are welcome.

The following types of submissions are invited.

* Regular papers: maximum 15 pages.

* Short papers: maximum 5 pages that address the following aspects explicitly.

- Problem: what is the problem/question/objective?

- Motivation: why are we working on the problem and what is its importance?

- State of the art: what has been done already on the problem?

- Contribution: what is the main original contribution?

- Main idea: what is the main idea underlying the contribution?

Additional information:

* The submissions should indicate whether they are submitted as short or regular papers as part oftheir titles (see the AISC webpage for instructions). Aside from this they should follow the standardSpringer LNCS Proceedings format.

* Electronic submission as PDF should be via EasyChair at


* Accepted papers must be presented at the conference.


The proceedings of AISC 2018 will be published by Springer in its LNAI series and will be available bythe time of the conference.

As for previous editions of AISC, authors of selected conference papers may be invited to submit extendedversions for review and publication in the special issue of a journal.


* Abstract submission deadline: April 27, 2018

* Short/Regular paper submission deadline: May 4, 2018

* Author notification: June 29, 2018

* Camera-ready submission: July 11, 2018

* Early registration: August 18, 2018

* Conference: September 16-19, 2018

INVITED SPEAKERS (to be completed)

* Bruno Buchberger (Johannes Kepler University, Austria)

* Alan Bundy (University of Edinburgh, UK)


* Jacques Calmet (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)

* Dongming Wang (Beihang University, China & CNRS, France)


* Jesus Aransay (University of la Rioja, Spain)

* Yves Bertot (Sophia Antipolis, France)

* Francisco Botana (University of Vigo, Spain)

* Krysia Broda (Imperial College, UK)

* Xiaoyu Chen (Beihang University, China)

* Mnacho Echenim (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, France)

* Matthew England (Coventry University, UK)

* Jacques Fleuriot (University of Edinburgh, UK), AISC 2018 PC Chair

* Xiao-Shan Gao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

* Tetsuo Ida (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

* Paul Jackson (University of Edinburgh, UK)

* Predrag Janicic (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

* Deepak Kapur (University of New Mexico, USA)

* Michael Kohlhase (FAU Erlangen-Nurenberg, Germany)

* Ekaterina Komendantskaya (Heriot-Watt University, UK)

* Robert Y. Lewis (Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands)

* Xinjun Mao (National University of Defense Technology, China)

* Chenqi Mou (Beihang University, China)

* Julien Narboux (University of Strasbourg, France)

* Petros Papapanagiotou (University of Edinburgh, UK)

* Tomas Recio (University of Cantabria, Spain)

* Jose-Luis Ruiz-Reina (University of Seville, Spain)

* Carolyn Talcott (SRI International, USA)

* Laurent Thery (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)

* Yongxin Tong (Beihang University, China), Special Track Co-chair

* Josef Urban (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)

* Wolfgang Windsteiger (Johannes Kepler University, Austria)

* Ye Yuan (Northeastern University, China)

* Zimu Zhou (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Special Track Co-chair


* Wenjun Wu (Beihang University, China), Chair

* Xiaoyu Chen (Beihang University, China)


* Xiaohong Jia (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

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