今日更新的CNN 10 “年轻的奇迹(young wonders)”专题报道为观众们介绍了五位了不起的孩子,他们中有致力于提高非裔美国人群读写能力的小男孩,有带领小伙伴们一起自己动手做美食的小姑娘......所有的小朋友都通过自己的努力,对周围的人或环境产生了不小的影响。
上图中的女孩Christina Li也是五位了不起的孩子之一。让我们一起来听一听她的故事。
CHRISTINA LI, CNN YOUNG WONDER: I really like computer science just because there are so many possibilities with it.
You can program a space ship or cars or robots. I think computer science can be for anybody.
When I was in third grade, my brothers and I made this character called fish guy. So, we made a Website for it. And that`s what really got into computer science.
In high school I joined my robotics team. I was the only female programmer and I felt really weird about it. It was every evident that this gender gap existed. I decided to make a computer science camp for middle school girls.
I named the camp Hello World because I want to have girls say hello to the world to computer science.
How many of you guys have played pong before?
It's an introduction so they can learn how to program apps and robots and games.
So I have a bluebird currently and the bird flies with the tubes using a space bar.
I realize that it's actually not that hard.
When you click that on button you go crazy because it`s working.
I just wanted to get them interested and like show them how cool the world of computer science is.
When you press the down arrow, it will go back.
Your game is literally out of this world. —Pretty much.
Interacting with other girls makes them realize they`re not alone in this. I really hope to show the girls that girls can do anything they want to.
Hello, world!
-你的游戏可以叫做“逃离世界” -说得对。
一声Hello,world! 喊的人热泪盈眶,不知道酷酷的Christina有没有唤醒你心中“I can do anything taht I want to” 的小宇宙呢?
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