
How Self-Driving Cars Work

self-driving and autonomous vehicle 自动驾驶和自动驾驶的车辆目前是在汽车电气化之后最明确的一个方向了。本篇文章来自UDACITY 优达城的自动驾驶基础讲解,通过这个文章你会大概明白自动驾驶。希望能引发你想过思考,同时我尽力翻译此文,想学习汽车英语的也可以看看。希望本文能开一个头,我也尽量持续分享和共同学习自动驾驶相关知识。

how do self-driving cars work?自动驾驶到底如何工作?

Self-driving cars have five core components自动驾驶五个重要部分:

Computer Vision计算机视觉

Sensor Fusion传感器融合


Path Planning路径规划



Computer visionis how we use cameras to see the road. Humans demonstrate the power of vision by handling a car with basically just two eyes and a brain. For a self-driving car, we can use camera images to find lane lines, or track other vehicles on the road.


Sensor fusionis how we integrate data from other sensors, like radar and lasers—together with camera data—to build a comprehensive understanding of the vehicle’s environment. As good as cameras are, there are certain measurements — like distance or velocity — at which other sensors excel, and other sensors can work better in adverse weather, too. By combining all of our sensor data, we get a richer understanding of the world.


Localizationis how we figure out where we are in the world, which is the next step after we understand what the world looks like. We all have cellphones with GPS, so it might seem like we know where we are all the time already. But in fact, GPS is only accurate to within about 1–2 meters. Think about how big 1–2 meters is! If a car were wrong by 1–2 meters, it could be off on the sidewalk hitting things. So we have much more sophisticated mathematical algorithms that help the vehicle localize itself to within 1–2 centimeters.


Path planningis the next step, once we know what the world looks like, and where in it we are. In the path planning phase, we chart a trajectory through the world to get where we want to go. First, we predict what the other vehicles around us will do. Then we decide which maneuver we want to take in response to those vehicles. Finally, we build a trajectory, or path, to execute that maneuver safely and comfortably.


Controlis the final step in the pipeline. Once we have the trajectory from our path planning block, the vehicle needs to turn the steering wheel and hit the throttle or the brake, in order to follow that trajectory. If you’ve ever tried to execute a hard turn at a high speed, you know this can get tricky! Sometimes you have an idea of the path you want the car to follow, but actually getting the car to follow that path requires effort. Race car drivers are phenomenal at this, and computers are getting pretty good at it, too!


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