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发布2019-08-06 15:39:25
发布2019-08-06 15:39:25

R2D2: Recurrent Replay Distributed DQN


Reinforcement Learning (RL) has seen a rejuvenation of research interest recently due to repeated successes in solving challenging problems such as reaching human-level play on Atari 2600 games, beating the world champion in the game of Go, and playing competitive 5-player DOTA. The earliest of these successes leveraged experience replay for data efficiency and stacked a fixed number of consecutive frames to overcome the partial observability in Atari 2600 games. However, with progress towards increasingly difficult, partially observable domains, the need for more advanced memory-based representations increases, necessitating more principled solutions such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The use of LSTMs within RL has been widely adopted to overcome partial observability.

In this paper we investigate the training of RNNs with experience replay. We have three primary contributions:

First, we demonstrate the effect of experience replay on parameter lag, leading to representational drift and recurrent state staleness. This is potentially exacerbated in the distributed training setting, and ultimately results in diminished training stability and performance.

Second, we perform an empirical study into the effects of several approaches to RNN training with experience replay, mitigating the aforementioned effects.

Third, we present an agent that integrates these findings to achieve significant advances in the state of the art on Atari-57 and matches the state of the art on DMLab-30.


We propose a new agent, the Recurrent Replay Distributed DQN (R2D2), and use it to study the interplay between recurrent state, experience replay, and distributed training. R2D2 is most similar to Ape-X, built upon prioritized distributed replay and n-step double Q-learning (with n = 5), generating experience by a large number of actors (typically 256) and learning from batches of replayed experience by a single learner.

We train the R2D2 agent with a single GPU-based learner, performing approximately 5 network updates per second (each update on a mini-batch of 64 length-80 sequences), and each actor performing ∼ 260 environment steps per second on Atari (∼ 130 per second on DMLab).


Three are two strategies of training an LSTM from replayed experience:

• Using a zero start state to initialize the network at the beginning of sampled sequences.

• Replaying whole episode trajectories.

The zero start state strategy’s appeal lies in its simplicity, and it allows independent decorrelated sampling of relatively short sequences, which is important for robust optimization of a neural network. On the other hand, it forces the RNN to learn to recover meaningful predictions from an atypical initial recurrent state (‘initial recurrent state mismatch’), which may limit its ability to fully rely on its recurrent state and learn to exploit long temporal correlations.

The second strategy on the other hand avoids the problem of finding a suitable initial state, but creates a number of practical, computational, and algorithmic issues due to varying and potentially environment-dependent sequence length, and higher variance of network updates because of the highly correlated nature of states in a trajectory when compared to training on randomly sampled batches of experience tuples.

To fix these issues, we propose and evaluate two strategies for training a recurrent neural network from randomly sampled replay sequences, that can be used individually or in combination:

• Stored state: Storing the recurrent state in replay and using it to initialize the network at training time. This partially remedies the weakness of the zero start state strategy, however it may suffer from the effect of ‘representational drift’ leading to ‘recurrent state staleness’, as the stored recurrent state generated by a sufficiently old network could differ significantly from a typical state produced by a more recent version.

• Burn-in: Allow the network a ‘burn-in period’ by using a portion of the replay sequence only for unrolling the network and producing a start state, and update the network only on the remaining part of the sequence. We hypothesize that this allows the network to partially recover from a poor start state (zero, or stored but stale) and find itself in a better initial state before being required to produce accurate outputs.

In all our experiments we will be using the proposed agent architecture from Section 2.3 with replay sequences of length m = 80, with an optional burn-in prefix of l = 40 or 20 steps. Our aim is to assess the negative effects of representational drift and recurrent state staleness on network training and how they are mitigated by the different training strategies. For that, we will compare the Q values produced by the network on sampled replay sequences when unrolled using one of these strategies and the Q-values produced when using the true stored recurrent states at each step (see Figure 1a, showing different sources for the hidden state).

In Figure 1b, we are comparing agents trained with the different strategies on several DMLab environments in terms of this proposed metric. It can be seen that the zero start state heuristic results in a significantly more severe effect of recurrent state staleness on the outputs of the network. As hypothesized above, this effect is greatly reduced for the last sequence states compared to the first ones, after the RNN has had time to recover from the atypical start state, but the effect of staleness is still substantially worse here for the zero state than the stored state strategy. Another potential downside of the pure zero state heuristic is that it prevents the agent from strongly relying on its recurrent state and exploit long-term temporal dependencies.

We observe that the burn-in strategy on its own partially mitigates the staleness problem on the initial part of replayed sequences, while not showing a significant effect on the Q-value discrepancy for later sequence states. Empirically, this translates into noticeable performance improvements, as can be seen in Figure 1c. This itself is noteworthy, as the only difference between the pure zero state and the burn-in strategy lies in the fact that the latter unrolls the network over a prefix of states on which the network does not receive updates. In informal experiments (not shown here) we observed that this is not due to the different unroll lengths themselves (i.e., the zero state strategy without burn-in, on sequences of length l + m, performed worse overall). We hypothesize that the beneficial effect of burn-in lies in the fact that it prevents ‘destructive updates’ to the RNN parameters resulting from highly inaccurate initial outputs on the first few time steps after a zero state initialization.

The stored state strategy, on the other hand, proves to be overall much more effective at mitigating state staleness in terms of the Q-value discrepancy, which also leads to clearer and more consistent improvements in empirical performance. Finally, the combination of both methods consistently yields the smallest discrepancy on the last sequence states and the most robust performance gains.


We evaluate the empirical performance of R2D2 on two challenging benchmark suites for deep reinforcement learning: Atari-57 and DMLab-30.

For R2D2, we use a single neural network architecture and a single set of hyper-parameters across all experiments. This demonstrates greater robustness and generality than has been previously observed in deep RL. It is also in pursuit of this generality, that we decided to disable the (Atari-specific) heuristic of treating life losses as episode ends, and did not apply reward clipping. Despite this, we observe state-of-the-art performance in both Atari and DMLab, validating the intuitions derived from our empirical study.

R2D2 buffer数据结构复现及应用:


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原始发表:2019-08-04,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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