TransUnion周二发布的一份报告显示,在线匪徒正在减少针对企业的计划,但针对消费者的COVID-19骗局却在增加。 总部位于芝加哥的全球在线欺诈趋势季度报告指出,针对全球企业的涉嫌欺诈性数字交易从大流行的锁定阶段(3月11日至5月18日)到重新开放阶段(5月19日至7月25日)下降了9%。交易安全解决方案提供商。 这与TransUnion在4月13日和7月27日这几周进行的调查形成鲜明对比,该调查发现,针对数字COVID-19骗局的目标消费者数量增长了10%。 TransUnion全球欺诈解决方案高级副总裁Shai Cohen在一份声明中说:“随着企业急于数字化,许多人几乎在一夜之间被迫完全上网,欺诈者试图利用这一机会。” 他继续说,随着这些企业增加其数字欺诈预防解决方案,欺诈者将他们的骗局转移到其他地方。 他补充说:“与消费者相反,欺诈者越来越多地使用COVID-19来捕食那些面临越来越大的财务压力的人。”
原文:Online bandits are decreasing their schemes against businesses but increasing COVID-19 scams aimed at consumers, according to a report released Tuesday by TransUnion.
Suspected fraudulent digital transactions against businesses worldwide dropped nine percent from the lockdown phase of the pandemic (March 11 to May 18) to the reopening phase (May 19-July 25), noted the quarterly report on global online fraud trends by the Chicago-based transaction security solutions provider.
That contrasts with surveys done by TransUnion for the weeks of April 13 and July 27, which found a 10 percent jump in consumers targeted by digital COVID-19 scams.
"With the rush for businesses to go digital, as many were forced to go completely online almost overnight, fraudsters tried to take advantage," Shai Cohen, senior vice president of global fraud solutions at TransUnion, said in a statement.
As those businesses ramped up their digital fraud prevention solutions, he continued, the fraudsters took their scams elsewhere.
"Conversely with consumers," he added, "fraudsters are increasingly using COVID-19 to prey on those persons who are facing mounting financial pressures."
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