



What a WeChat ban would mean for Americans


(CNN Business)For Zhang Lianping, a 72-year-old retired small business owner in College Park, Maryland, WeChat is a lifeline for staying in touch with relatives, old classmates and friends spread across Beijing, Shandong and Liaoning provinces in China.

对于马里兰州大学公园市72岁的退休小企业主Lianping Zhang来说,微信是与分布在中国北京,山东和辽宁省的亲戚,老同学和朋友保持联系的不能缺少的工具。

"If we don't have WeChat, we're really going backward 40 years," she said, in comments translated from Mandarin Chinese.


Zhang Lianping, 72, retired small business owner

Tencent (TCEHY)'s popular messaging app could now be banned in the US if the company doesn't agree to sell it by mid-September, as required by an executive order issued Thursday. WeChat is the latest target in President Trump's rapidly escalating tech war with China, which has also put short-form videoapp TikTok under fire. The news has shaken Chinese Americans and anyone with ties to China who rely on the app as the main way of keeping in touch with family and friends there.


WeChat, called Weixin in China, functions like Facebook (FB), LinkedIn, Uber (UBER), Instagram and several other apps all rolled into one. For many Chinese people, WeChat is an indispensable app for connecting with the world.

"Everybody in China uses WeChat. It's hard to appreciate how important it is for reaching people in China," said Willy Shih, a professor at Harvard Business School focused on technology and management. "It appears like [the US] is trying to drop an Iron Curtain between the countries so that people can't communicate with each other.”


哈佛商学院专注于技术和管理的教授威利·史(Willy Shih)表示:“每个人都在使用微信。很难理解它对对于中国人的社交有多重要。” “看来,(美国)正试图在这两个国家之间放一个铁幕,以使人们之间无法相互交流。”

The app is common especially among older generations of immigrants who left China many decades ago but still want to stay connected. And during the pandemic, when traveling back to China is complicated, expensive and involves an extra period in quarantine, many are staying put, making WeChat even more essential.


Zhang immigrated to the US in 1989 and began using WeChat over the past few years. Without WeChat, she envisions having to mail photos since she doesn't know how to use a computer, and making phone calls to family and friends abroad. But with the large time difference between the East Coast and China, leaving messages on WeChat has been much more convenient, she said.


In the decades since she's left China, her friends and family there keep her posted by sending photos of new skyscrapers emerging from old roads, vacations and the births of grandchildren. When her daughter delivers a baby in October, Zhang plans to send photos using WeChat to her siblings and old classmates. Without it, she said, she'll have to use snail mail.


Ken Xiao, 63, who is retired but works as a calligraphy teacher in San Diego, said the Chinese community has heard rumors of a WeChat ban in the US for weeks and had discussed it on ... WeChat.


Xiao immigrated to the US from Yunnan Province in 1989 and started using WeChat about four years ago. He now calls his parents every Monday evening using the app.


"I am really disappointed to hear this executive order," he said.


"As regular people, most of us Chinese people, including me and my students, we do not talk about anything related to the sensitive, political topics," he said. "We can use [WeChat] as a regular life communication platform, so we don't worry about anything else.”

他说:“作为普通人,我们大多数中国人,包括我和我的学生,都不会谈论任何敏感的事情。” “我们将微信用作常规的生活交流平台,因此我们无需担心其他任何事情。”

If WeChat were to be banned in the US, Harvard's Shih said Americans would likely have to resort to email to reach people in China, a mode of communication that isn't as widely used in the country.

"If I send an email, I might not get a response for weeks, or the likelihood is I'll never get a response," Shih said.



Emily Kuo, 56, business owner in San Diego, California.

For Emily Kuo, 56, a business owner in San Diego, who immigrated from Guangdong Province in 1982, WeChat is a way to communicate with her tenants in her retail shopping center in California and talk to family and friends in China, including her son in Shanghai.

对于1982年从广东省移民到美国的现年56岁的圣地亚哥企业主Emily Kuo(Emily Kuo)来说,微信是与她在加利福尼亚州零售购物中心的租户进行交流以及与中国的家人和朋友(包括她在上海的儿子)沟通的一种方式。

"You can leave long messages, very detailed messages. You can post, let's say like a worksheet or a traveling itinerary. It's very powerful. It's really a very good communication tool," Kuo explained.


"To me [the ban] is super inconvenient socially, but I think to many, many Americans who do business with Chinese in China, it would be a great interruption. It would be very inefficient," she added. "I feel so sorry for them and for myself.”

她补充说:“对我来说(禁令)在社会上是非常不便的,但我认为,对于与在中国的中国人做生意的许多美国人来说,这个中断将会带来非常低效的商业沟通。” “我对此事感到非常遗憾。”


尚恩留学语培部老师去了解了一下,一般如果APP下架了,以前下载的也还是可以用的,真要禁止的话,需要专门设置防火墙,所以一时也不用特别担心! 最后希望大家2020平平安安!


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