发布于 2021-03-25 10:22:15
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using string = std::string;
using size_type= std::string::size_type;
using svector = std::vector<string>;
void eraseAllOccurences(const string& s, string& result){
string::size_type pos = string::npos;
while ( (pos = result.find(s) ) != string::npos){
result.erase(pos, s.length());
int main(int, char**){
const string targetString = "bcaaac";
const svector candidates = { "a", "b", "c" };
string result = targetString;
for(auto s : candidates)
eraseAllOccurences(s, result);
std::cout << (result.empty() ? "success" : "failure") << '\n';
return 0;
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <string_view>
using std::cout;
using std::string;
using size_type = std::string::size_type;
using svector = std::vector<string>; //string vector
using ivector = std::vector<std::size_t>; //index vector
using sview = std::string_view;
using sviews = std::vector<sview>;
inline bool isSubStringOf(sview str, sview substr){
return str.find(substr) != string::npos;
inline bool startsWith(sview str, sview prefix) {
return str.size() >= prefix.size() && str.compare(0, prefix.size(), prefix) == 0;
// just to hold the alphabet not really, could just use a vector. Was more for debug.
class Alphabet{
Alphabet() = default;
Alphabet(const Alphabet&) = default;
Alphabet(Alphabet&&) = default;
Alphabet& operator=(const Alphabet&) = default;
Alphabet& operator=(Alphabet&&) = default;
Alphabet(const svector& sv) : m_letters(sv){}
~Alphabet() = default;
ivector prefixLengths(sview str) const;
const svector& letters() const { return m_letters; }
void prepare(const string&);
svector m_letters;
// prepare alphabet by removing junk
void Alphabet::prepare(const string& str)
//remove duplicate strings
std::sort(m_letters.begin(), m_letters.end());
m_letters.erase( std::unique( m_letters.begin(), m_letters.end() ), m_letters.end() );
for(auto it = m_letters.begin() ; it != m_letters.end(); ) {
if (it->empty()) //remove empty strings
it = m_letters.erase(it);
else if(!isSubStringOf(str, *it)) //remove letters that don't appear in str
it = m_letters.erase(it);
// return vector of the unique lengths of all letters that start the word str
ivector Alphabet::prefixLengths(sview str) const
ivector result;
for(auto prefix : m_letters)
if(startsWith(str, prefix))
return result;
// create a vector of string views by removing prefixes from given views
sviews nextViews(const sviews& views, const Alphabet& strings)
sviews result;
for(auto v : views){
auto lengths = strings.prefixLengths(v);
for(auto e : lengths){
sview sv(v);
// ["a", "bc"] and ["ab", "c"] will both yield a prefix length of 3
// so we will get the same view of the word so remove duplicates views
std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
result.erase( std::unique( result.begin(), result.end() ), result.end() );
return result;
int main(int, char**)
const string word = "abcdabcdabcdbccbcabchk";
const svector letters = { "ab", "abc", "c", "bc", "cd", "hk" };
// tidy up the alphabet to only include letters that appear in the word
// and remove empty letters and duplicates
Alphabet alphabet(letters);
// we start with a view of the original word
sviews views = { word };
// keep stripping off prefixes from the views until we get an empty view
// or we have no more to try
bool success = std::find_if(
[](auto e){ return e.empty(); }) != views.end();
cout << "success\n";
return 0;
views = nextViews(views, alphabet);
cout << "fail\n"; // we ran out of views to find prefixes for
return 0;
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <string_view>
#include <set>
using std::cout;
using std::string;
using svector = std::vector<string>; // string vector
using ivector = std::vector<std::size_t>; // index vector
using sview = std::string_view; // string_view
using iset = std::set<std::size_t>; // index set
inline bool isSubStringOf(sview str, sview substr){
return str.find(substr) != string::npos;
inline bool startsWith(sview str, sview prefix) {
return str.size() >= prefix.size() && str.compare(0, prefix.size(), prefix) == 0;
// prepare alphabet by removing junk
svector prepare(const svector& letters, const string& word)
svector result = letters;
//remove duplicate strings
std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
result.erase( std::unique( result.begin(), result.end() ), result.end() );
for(auto it = result.begin() ; it != result.end(); ) {
if (it->empty()) //remove empty strings
it = result.erase(it);
else if(!isSubStringOf(word, *it)) //remove strings that don't appear in word
it = result.erase(it);
return result;
// vector of lengths of letters that prefix str
ivector prefixLengths(sview str, const svector& letters)
ivector result;
for(auto& prefix : letters)
if(startsWith(str, prefix))
return result;
// return view of string advanced by i chars
sview advanceViewOf(std::size_t i, const string& str)
sview view(str);
return view;
// return set of indices into word for all prefixes
iset nextIndexSet(const iset& indices, const string& word, const svector& letters)
iset result;
for(std::size_t i : indices){
for(std::size_t length : prefixLengths(advanceViewOf(i, word), letters))
result.insert(i + length);
return result;
const string word = "abcdabcdabcdbccbcabchk";
const std::size_t wordLength = word.size();
const svector letters = { "a", "ab", "abc", "c", "bc", "cd", "hk" };
int main(int, char**)
svector alphabet = prepare(letters, word);
iset indices = {0};
bool success = indices.find(wordLength) != indices.end();
cout << "success\n";
return 0;
indices = nextIndexSet(indices, word, letters);
cout << "fail\n";
return 0;