The Double-Edged Sword of Artificial Intelligence
Marxism was born when machines began to replace workers.
Although it may take decades for AI to be widely adopted across sectors in China's society, certain jobs can disappear in just a few years after a key technology breakthrough. Typists, telephone operators, and darkroom film developers all went largely extinct as technologies made them obsolete.
On the other hands, it’s a stark example of facial recognition-driven monitoring that China has invested heavily in over recent years with the aim of helping police do their job more efficiently. To name a few: suspicious targets, find missing persons, and even predict crimes.
Technology upgrade is critically important to generate higher-value-added and higher paying jobs. Continued urbanization is expected to bring 100 million more residents to large Chinese cities by 2020, which will create a need for 10 million urban jobs every year, even as manufacturing employment drops.
Policy makers are already acting to address some of these needs. The Internet+ program, for example, is intended to use the Internet as a catalyst for grassroots innovation and innovation in business processes.
Manufacturing jobs are notoriously vulnerable to being outsourced to developing countries where labor costs are cheaper.
Chinese T-shirt manufacturer Tianyuan is setting up shop in Arkansas, lured by U.S. sewbots and lower production costs. The factory in Arkansas, will use sewing robots developed by Georgia-based startup SoftWear Automation to manufacture apparel for Adidas.
In the past few decades, China has benefited greatly from a “demographic dividend,” as its expanding labor force fueled economic growth. AI systems can help China improve its productivity by completing existing job activities more efficiently, either by assisting or replacing humans.
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