发布于 2014-08-18 16:18:21
函数指针实际上就是指向函数的指针。对于"normal“指针,您可以指定指针所指向的数据类型(例如int *foo
、char *bar
...);函数指针的工作方式与此类似,因为您可以指定函数的签名:void (*baz)(int)
你的回调函数:typedef void (*Callback)(int)
是标识符)。然后,您可以像定义任何其他成员(Callback func = foo
PS: SE周围有很好的函数指针资源。Here's one.
发布于 2014-08-18 20:20:47
Here is one approach that I would suggest. You will require 3 different threads for this:
1. First thread is the main processing thread (Th1). It waits for two separate events - either "data on socket" event or "timeout event"
2. Second thread (Th2) will constantly listen on socket ( stay blocked on socket either through select or read call ) and when data appears it will read the data, wrap the data in an event and post it to the first thread.
3. The third thread (Th3) will implement the timer functionality. It will wake up after every 'N' seconds ( where 'N'is timeout interval ) and once it wakes up it will create a timeout event and post it to first thread.
A skeleton of the code would look something like this:
Class Processor
// std::list<ProcessorEventBase* > eventQueue;
void init ()
// 1. initialize SocketListener and pass address of 'Processor::recvDataOnSocket' function
// 2. initialize TimerUtil and pass address of 'Processor::timeOut' function
// 3. create and run Processor ( Th1 ) thread
// 4. keep the thread waiting on a condition variable
// 5. When thread wakes up, let it fetch event from queue and process it.
static void recvDataOnSocket ( char* data, int datalen, void* arg )
// typecast arg to Processor
// create a data on socket event
// post it to the 'eventQueue'
// signal the waiting thread
static void timeOut ( void* arg )
// typecast arg to Processor
// create a timeout event
// post it to event queue
// signal the waiting thread
class SocketListener
void init ( SocketCallback socketCallback)
// store the socket Callback
// create a thread to listen on socket ( Th2 )
// when data arrives, call the callback i.e. socketCallback and
// pass data pointer and its size and the stored arguement
class TimerUtil
void init ( TimeoutCallback timeoutCallback, void* arg )
// store the timeout Callback
// create a thread that wakes up every 'N' seconds ( Th3 )
// when timer expires, call the callback i.e. timeoutCallback and
// pass the stored argument i.e. arg
Callback would be something like this:
typedef void (*SocketCallback ) ( char* data, int datalen, void* arg);
typedef void (*TimeoutCallback ) ( void* arg );