number=int(input("enter a number a number between 1 and 20"))
def factorial(number):
for i in range(1,number+1):
print("the factorial sum for", number, "is {0:,}".format(value,i))
if number == 0:
print ("please select a differnt number")
elif number > 20:
print("please enter a number between 1 and 20")
发布于 2022-02-04 15:43:47
f = 1
s = ''
for i in range(1, n+1):
f *= i
s += str(i) + '*'
print(s[:-1], '=', f)
发布于 2022-02-04 11:34:35
number = 0
while True: ## this loop will catch any non-ints/float numbers inputted
try: #test the number
numberinput = int(input("enter a number a number between 1 and 19: ")) #user enters #
assert numberinput > 0 #make sure the number is between your limits
assert numberinput < 20 #make sure the number is between your limits
number = numberinput #set the number == to our vetted numberInput
break #exit infinite loop
except: #if any errors in above, we enter this clause
print('Please enter a valid number between 1 and 19') #tell user to try another number
continue #continue sends us to the top of the loop (starting with try)
def factorial(number):
value=1 #initial value
stringOfCalculations= '' #empty string that we can build on as we loop through
for i in range(1, number + 1):
value *= i
if i == 1: #if the value is 1, we dont want to do * i in the string, we want to just add i to the string since we start with 1
stringOfCalculations += f'{i}' #we add i to the start of the string. This is called an f' string, similar to .format() but cleaner
else: #if the number is not 1
stringOfCalculations += f' * {i}' # we want to add * i, since were doing math these steps that aren't 1*1
stringOfCalculations += f' = {value}' # after looping, our value is the total, so we append '= value' to our string
print(stringOfCalculations) # print the full string
return #you chose to return nothing here, but you could also return the value
factorial(number) #no need for the if clause since we check the number is between 1-19 in the try block